Top 70 Craziest Yo Mama Jokes That are Rizz

Yo Mama Jokes are the most demanding topic that my audience is asking for. That is why I came up with it. Keep some patience because after reading these jokes you will die of laughter and the Rizz that they have.

70 Yo Mama Jokes of All Time

  1. Yo mama’s so good at cooking, she could make a shoe taste delicious.
  2. Yo mama’s so adventurous, she once tried to ride a rainbow.
  3. Yo mama’s so organized, her spice rack has its own zip code.
  4. Yo mama’s so positive, she could light up a room with a single smile.
  5. Yo mama’s so skilled, she can play chess with a deck of cards.
  6. Yo mama’s so thoughtful, she sends birthday cards to the candles on her cake.
  7. Yo mama’s so good at problem-solving, even Einstein asks her for advice.
  8. Yo mama’s so patient, she could teach a snail speed dating.
  9. Yo mama’s so good with technology, she can fix a computer with just positive vibes.
  10. Yo mama’s so creative, she can turn a shopping cart into a convertible.
  11. Yo mama’s so friendly, even the grumpy cat smiles when she’s around.
  12. Yo mama’s so versatile, she can use a ladder to go down.
  13. Yo mama’s so good at negotiations, she can talk a cat out of its nap.
  14. Yo mama’s so resourceful, she can start a fire with just two ice cubes.
  15. Yo mama’s so cool, she once walked into a freezer and made it warmer.
  16. Yo mama’s so understanding, she knows why the caged bird sings and has a remix for it.
  17. Yo mama’s so good at gardening, even the flowers stop to admire her.
  18. Yo mama’s so independent, she doesn’t need WiFi; she’s always connected to the universe.
  19. Yo mama’s so good at fishing, she caught a fish with her bare hands and taught it to play dead.
  20. Yo mama’s so wise, even Yoda asks her for advice.
  21. Yo mama’s so resourceful, she can turn a lemon into a watermelon.
  22. Yo mama’s so good at multitasking, she can read a book with her eyes closed.
  23. Yo mama’s so creative, she could write a novel with emojis.
  24. Yo mama’s so good at geography, she can find Atlantis on a map.
  25. Yo mama’s so caring, she once adopted a stray sock.
  26. Yo mama’s so optimistic, she can find a silver lining in a black hole.
  27. Yo mama’s so good at baking, she made a gingerbread house with a mortgage.
  28. Yo mama’s so good at singing, even the birds pause to listen.
  29. Yo mama’s so organized, she alphabetizes her alphabet soup.
  30. Yo mama’s so good with animals, even sharks let her pet them.
  31. Yo mama’s so good at DIY, she built a time machine from spare parts.
  32. Yo mama’s so good with time management, she can procrastinate yesterday.
  33. Yo mama’s so resourceful, she can make a snowman in the summer.
  34. Yo mama’s so athletic, she once won a marathon in flip-flops.
  35. Yo mama’s so good at photography, even her shadow poses for her.
  36. Yo mama’s so wise, she could teach a dictionary new words.
  37. Yo mama’s so calm, she meditates during roller coasters.
  38. Yo mama’s so caring, even the flowers in her garden bloom on command.
  39. Yo mama’s so good at physics, she can parallel park a UFO.
  40. Yo mama’s so good at juggling, she once balanced the budget.
  41. Yo mama’s so good at poker, she can win with Uno cards.
  42. Yo mama’s so organized, even her dreams have an agenda.
  43. Yo mama’s so good with languages, she can speak Braille.
  44. Yo mama’s so generous, she donates her laughter to those in need.
  45. Yo mama’s so artistic, she once drew a circle so perfect, they named it a yo-mamagram.
  46. Yo mama’s so good at astronomy, she can name all the stars in alphabetical order.
  47. Yo mama’s so good at fishing, she caught a fish with a thought.
  48. Yo mama’s so resourceful, she can make a puzzle out of a bowl of soup.
  49. Yo mama’s so good at negotiations, she can make a cat bark.
  50. Yo mama’s so good at math, she can count her chickens before they hatch.
  51. Yo mama’s so cool, she can high-five with a fist bump.
  52. Yo mama’s so good at DIY, she built a sandcastle that’s now a tourist attraction.
  53. Yo mama’s so good with animals, even mosquitoes refuse to bite her out of respect.
  54. Yo mama’s so good at multitasking, she can knit a sweater and solve a Rubik’s Cube simultaneously.
  55. Yo mama’s so caring, she once adopted a highway and taught it to drive.
  56. Yo mama’s so athletic, she can do a somersault on a rainbow.
  57. Yo mama’s so positive, she can charge a phone by giving it a pep talk.
  58. Yo mama’s so organized, even her dreams have a filing system.
  59. Yo mama’s so good at baking, she made a gingerbread house with a working plumbing system.
  60. Yo mama’s so confident, she can win a staring contest against a mirror.
  61. Yo mama’s so good with technology, she can send a fax through a toaster.
  62. Yo mama’s so good at problem-solving, even Sherlock Holmes asks her for advice.
  63. Yo mama’s so good at gardening, she can make a cactus grow flowers.
  64. Yo mama’s so resourceful, she can make a gourmet meal from a vending machine.
  65. Yo mama’s so adventurous, she once climbed Mount Everest in a single step.
  66. Yo mama’s so good at karaoke, even the neighbors ask for an encore.
  67. Yo mama’s so positive, she could make a pessimist turn optimistic.
  68. Yo mama’s so organized, she can find a needle in a haystack blindfolded.
  69. Yo mama’s so good with animals, even pandas consult her on bamboo choices.
  70. Yo mama’s so caring, she once rescued a goldfish from drowning.

Also Read: Top 60 Best Diwali Pick-Up Lines.

Some Best Yo Mama Jokes For Kids

Here are some of the funniest cheesy and creative jokes related to Yo Mama For kids.

  1. Yo mama’s so sweet, she bakes cookies with hugs and kisses.
  2. Yo mama’s so cool, she puts sunglasses on her pancakes to make them sunny-side up.
  3. Yo mama’s so magical, when she waves, rainbows appear.
  4. Yo mama’s so brave, she scares monsters under the bed with a bedtime story.
  5. Yo mama’s so funny, she makes clowns jealous of her jokes.
  6. Yo mama’s so smart, she can teach math to a calculator.
  7. Yo mama’s so speedy, she beat the rabbit in a race without breaking a sweat.
  8. Yo mama’s so caring, she tucks in the clouds at night so they can rest.
  9. Yo mama’s so strong, she lifts spirits with just a smile.
  10. Yo mama’s so creative, she turned a rainy day into a paint-by-numbers adventure.

Some Funny Siri Yo Mama Jokes

  1. Yo mama’s so tech-savvy, Siri asks her for advice.
  2. Yo mama’s so intelligent, Siri takes notes when she speaks.
  3. Yo mama’s so organized, even Siri sets reminders based on her schedule.
  4. Yo mama’s so efficient, Siri wishes it could multitask like her.
  5. Yo mama’s so witty, even Siri can’t keep up with her comebacks.
  6. Yo mama’s so kind, Siri uses her voice for its GPS guidance.
  7. Yo mama’s so friendly, even Siri wants to be her virtual assistant.
  8. Yo mama’s so innovative, that Siri asked her for app ideas.
  9. Yo mama’s so calm, she could play meditation music for Siri.
  10. Yo Mama’s so good with technology, that even Siri follows her on social media.


I hope you loved these Yo Mama Jokes Theme. Also, share your real experience with me related to jokes you have told someone.

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