5 Ways How to Snooker Your Opponent

We all know that snooker is a game which requires practice as well as experience with proper guidance,but if someone is just practicing on and on with no guidance then how will he or she be able to master the tactics of the game?

So today, I am gonna tell you about 5 ways how to snooker your opponent and not let him/her to make any pot. Before I tell you about snookering your opponent first you need to know about the rules of the game so let’s get started.

Billiards Rules

Snooker image courtesy of yamini (Source)

Due to its rise in India and China, snooker has become one of the most popular sports in the world, but for the time being, British players continue to dominate the sport at the highest level. Snooker is played by amateurs of all skill levels in clubs and even in pubs all throughout the UK. The Snooker World Championship is considered by many to be one of the biggest sporting events of the year.

It evolved from billiards, a different cue sport that first appeared in the 16th century, while snooker appeared in the late 19th century. The first World Championship was held in 1927, while the first formal snooker event took place in 1916. Since then, the popularity of the game has fluctuated, with the 1970s and 1980s likely being its best period.

Rules of snooker are covered in the points below:

1)A coin toss determines who starts the first frame, and players take turns breaking (starting the frame). With the cue ball in the D, the break is made, and a red must be made.

2)If both players concur, a frame can be restarted. For instance, if both players concur the balls are put in such a way that the frame might result in a tie.

3)When the cue tip remains in contact with the cue-ball as it touches the target ball, it is considered a push shot, which is illegal. Only one precise cue hit is allowed when playing the cue ball.

4)If a player hits the wrong ball and is deemed to not have made the proper contact, the referee may declare a miss.

5)Before the next shot is taken, all balls must be in a stationary position.

6)The nominated ball, or any red if it is a red, must be struck first by the cue ball. The failure to do so, as well as failing to hit any balls or potting an unnominated ball, are fouls.

7)A foul is committed whenever the player uses any part of their body to contact a ball or if they use their cue to touch a ball other than the white.

8)It is a foul to hit the ball off the table. Reds are not swapped out, but colors will be spotted again.

9)The color is placed on the next highest spot that is open if the spot where it would typically be replaced is occupied by another ball. If every spot is filled, the color is placed between that location and the top cushion, as close to its spot as is physically possible. The ball must be free from any ball contact.

10)The referee must signal “touching ball” whenever the cue ball makes contact with another ball, and the player must move away from that ball. A foul is committed if the ball moves. It is considered to have already made touch with the ball if the player nominated it, allowing them to play away.

11)A free ball is awarded if a player fouls and the other player is unable to hit the entire following legal ball. After then, the player may hit any ball of their choosing (they must nominate), and that ball will score and behave as if it were the next legal ball. For instance, the black may be nominated as a red and, if potted, followed by a color.

12)When playing a shot, the player must have at least a portion of one foot on the ground.

13)Potting the white and jump shots, in which one ball leaves the table and clears another, are both fouls.

I hope that now you have got an idea about the snooker rules which every player should know in order to start playing the game otherwise there may be confusion and chaos while playing.

Now i will be going to tell you about the 5 ways how to snooker your opponent so let’s get started:

Do not over try any shot

Over trying any shot in the game will let the opponent to make easy shots in the game,lets take an example,suppose you are 30 points behind in the game and only 35 points of balls are remaining on the table then in this situation many players overtry the shots which they are not supposed to do means they play the shots which are not to be played in that situation.Players get panic that if their opponent got a chance to pot any ball on the table then he or she might win the game or i will be out of frame or needs snooker in order to be in the game.

So my advice to you is don’t ever over try any shot if it’s not needed because one mistake can make you lose the frame.Also if you want to get answers for other queries then click here.

Try to keep the cue ball at distance from the red balls

If you aim to play safety shots in a proper manner then there are high possibilities that your opponent will get frustrated and will over try the shots hence you will get a chance to make easy shots if he or she misses those over try shots.

Keeping the cue ball away from the red balls is like not giving your opponent any chance to pot any red ball or not letting him score points in the game.

If possible, learn the art of how to snooker your opponent by keeping the cue ball behind the colored balls in a way that the opponent is unable to make contact of cue ball with the red balls.

Learn spins and sides

If you have a good command on the cue ball then it will be much easier for you to snooker your opponent.Sides and spins plays a very crucial role in the game when it comes to snookering your opponent or calling making,without sides and spins the game is incomplete.

Every player should master the art of spins and sides,it makes the game much easier and complete.You can learn this from any snooker teacher or any good snooker player in your locality who has experience in the game.

Practice as much as you can

If you want to learn how to snooker your opponent then practicing is the only way that can help you.If you are not practicing the skill of snookering the other player then it will not improve your game.

Practice plays a very important role in this game,as you know that no one can learn doing surgery just by watching it,this same applies to this game you can not become a professional just by playing casually and not doing practice drills.

I am linking a video for you to watch it and practice the same in order to learn how you can snooker your opponent.

Credits:Break from life youtube channel.

Absorb the type of table on which you are playing

The type of table is a very important factor for any player whoever is playing on it.The quality of felt plays a very crucial role in the rolling of the balls on it,the suppose the felt is new then the rolling will be minimum but if it is an old felt then the rolling of the balls on it will be much more as compared to the new one.

That is why you should first absorb the table quality before playing some serious game on it otherwise it will be much more difficult for you to snooker your opponent.

Practice on it alone. I have also written an article on how to play pool by yourself. You must check it out if you want to practice by yourself.


I hope that this guide regarding 5 ways how to snooker your opponent was helpful for you and must have taught you some practical tactics which you can apply in your game to excellence in it.Thank you.