John Terry Hails Stephen Hendry as His Hero in Snooker Showdown

Former Chelsea captain John Terry confided in snooker great Stephen Hendry about his adoration for him as a young man during a recent round of the game. After Terry won five straight world championships between 1992 and 1996, he admitted that Hendry was his idol and that he would frequently watch him on television. This way John Terry Hails Stephen Hendry as His Hero In Snooker Showdown.

Hendry’s winning attitude particularly captivated him, and he questioned how he was able to keep it up. Terry playfully remarked that, aside from on the golf field, Hendry is still his hero, acknowledging that his affection for Hendry has persisted throughout the years.

In addition to talking about snooker, Terry also discussed his upcoming resignation from his position as coach at Aston Villa in 2021. He said that he had to leave because of a family matter and that he wanted to be with them more.

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Terry emphasised his enthusiasm for teaching despite quitting the position, and he is presently helping with Chelsea’s academy’s younger youngsters. He acknowledged that he likes conversing with and imparting knowledge to the younger generation. Terry also stated that he would be open to helping out with Chelsea’s first team if requested, but he no longer sees himself in a management position.

Terry acknowledged that he had applied for a few management positions after leaving Aston Villa but had been rejected. He was a little disheartened by this, but he made the decision to give up football and devote more time to his family.

Although he admitted that there are coaches who are better than him, he claimed he sees himself as a coach in the long run. Terry admitted that he enjoyed the coaching aspect of his job at Aston Villa but that he felt Richard O’Kelly and Craig Shakespeare were superior instructors.


In conclusion, the recent snooker match between John Terry and Stephen Hendry was both enjoyable and educational.

Terry’s youthful infatuation of Hendry shown that even athletes may have idols of their own. Also, Terry’s candour on his resignation from his position as coach at Aston Villa, his present position at Chelsea’s school, and his own goals in the sport demonstrated his commitment to and enthusiasm for teaching.


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