Need for chalking a pool stick-Love Billiard

If you have ever been a pool player or have ever seen a pool game you might have noticed that players often chalk up their cue after every shot they play,and i know that you are very curious to know the need for chalking a pool stick in this beautiful game.

So the reason behind this is that chalk helps in adding up friction between the stick and the spot where the player needs to hit.Chalking up a stick often prevents ‘miscue’ in the might be wondering that what is a miscue?

Miscue is a condition in the game when the cue slides of the cue ball too early.

After using the cue for more than roughly about 2 to 3 months the tip of the cue become tattered and flat,so if you have to play a shot there must be some kind of friction between the cue and the ball in order to make a desired shot.Chlaking also saves much time for the players because they dont need to focus more on the shots and prevent miscueing.

How many times should a player uses a chalk?

The need for chalking a pool stick depends on player to player,but normally players chalk after every shot so as to maintain friction between the cue and the ball.

Lets take a situation in which a player needs to make a shot which requires too much spin then in this case he/she will chalk before the shot so as to prevent miscue and also to create more friction.

Are there any disadvantages of chalking up more frequently?

Generally there are no side effect of chalking up a cue more frequently except the dust particles which sits on the table and cause damage to the felt and other balls present on the table.Yoe can prevent this by tapping the cue little bit in order to remove the chalk particles from the tip of the cue.

If you want to know that how does chalking a pool cue work then click here

Is there any best way to chalk up?

The first step in chalking up a cue tip is analysing the type of cue you are using,as some cue comes with softer tips which holds more chalk but will not last as compared to the harder ones.In my opinion chalk should be used as a lipstick,means should be applies gently but evenly all over the tip.Dont be to harsh on chalking as it can reduce the life of the tip of your cue.

Precautions that you must take while chalking the pool cue

Whenever you are going to chalk your pool cue you must keep the following things in your mind:

1)Stay away from pool table.

Try not be close to any pool table while chalking as it can damage the felt of that table because the particles of the chalk are hazardous to the felt of the table

2)Avoid harsh chalking

If you are chalking the tip very harshly then you are reducing the lifespan of the cue tip as it can break the tip or can cause it to rupture.

3)Keep the side of the chalk up

After you are done with chalking keep the chalk in upside direction as it will prevent your clothes and other player dress to get dirty.It also shows that you respect the game and also your opponent.

Frequently asked questions

Why is pool chalk blue in color?

Pool chalk is available in different colors not only in blue,but one reason behind the blue color of the chalk is that blue color can be easily seen on the table felt as if someone has dropped some particles of the chalk while chalking the cue tip.

If you have an old table in your home and want to refurbish it then i have written an article on refinish pool table in which i have guided step by step process by which you can bring back your old pool table back in its original form

Do you chalk a break cue?

If you are using a cue with phenolic tip then you must chalk it before breaking the rack as you might miscue while breaking so assure that the tip is perfectly fine and chalked.

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