What Is Scratch In Pool? Best Ways to avoid it in 2023

At any point of time in your life if you have ever played the pool game, there must be many instances when you miss a shot and by hard luck the cue ball sinks in the pocket and you got a foul, there the game begins, now your opponent can put the cue ball anywhere on the table or he may not? Or only he can place the cue ball behind the head string of the table or to the side of the table where the cue ball is scratched? What is scratch in pool?

I have got the answers for all the questions that you have in your mind regarding scratches in the pool game and rules for scratching in billiards.In this article you will come across the distinct types of scratches in the game and rules related to them.

The Definition of A Scratch In Pool

A scratch is generally defined as when the cue ball falls off the table or is pocketed. For most types of games, these exertions are often considered authority fouls and end up in the ball in hand for the opponent either anywhere on the table or behind the head string. However, while breaking the rack, if the cue ball and the 8-ball bot got driven off or pocketed it leads to the penalty of the game to the opposing player.

A scratch is made if one or more object balls are pocketed in the same shot which entirely results in pocketing the cue ball. The object balls are allowed to be in the pockets and the cue ball is taken out and returned back to the table as per the game rules.

Let’s take a condition that if the pockets are completely filled up with the object balls and the cue ball strikes these object balls then also it is counted as scratch in a pool, because it is assumed that if object balls wouldn’t be there then the cue ball must be pocketed and foul will occur.

If you want to understand deeply the pool rules in table scratch the click here

Definition Of A Table Scratch

A table scratch is a term which is generally used in the condition when the cue ball is not pocketed or driven off the table but some other standard fouls take place. Table scratch often results in ball in hand for the opposing player.

I have mentioned some of the fouls which come under a table scratch:-

1)Failed to Hit an Object ball

If the player fails to hit an object ball with the cue ball then it is called as a table scratch. It means that if the cue ball doesn’t come in contact with the object ball whether it touches the cushions then also scratch occurs. This happens when Someone is unable to touch the cue ball with the object ball.

2)Failure to pocket or contact the cushion

Another type of table scratch occurs when the player fails to pocket the object ball with the cue ball or if he is unable to drive the object ball with the cue ball to the cushion.It means that the player needs to pocket or atleast make the object ball touch the cushion in order to avoid scratch in pool.

Rules regarding scratch fouls

Rules regarding scratch fouls vary from game to game, even if players on two adjacent tables can have different rules depending on their game type, so it is necessary for the plasters to decide upon the common rules of the game before starting the game as this will avoid chaos and problems in continuing the game further. I have mentioned some of the common practiced rules in most of the pool clubs, bars, pool halls and rec rooms in the world.

You might be wondering that what is scratch in pool in the singular sense but read the article carefully you will understand how deep the knowledge is provided to you in the article.

Break scratch rules

If the player scratches on the break there is only one conclusion which is that the opposing player is given the ball in hand behind the head string.the object balls which are pocketed during the break will remain  in the pockets and the table remains the same after the break.

In some unofficial circles the scratch on the break is counted as an automatic loss,but this is not generally accepted by most of the other people in the world.

Scratch rules for the gameplay

When a player by mistake pockets the cue ball then the opposite player is given two options or we can say advantages,first one is ball in hand anywhere on the table and take a shot.

The other common habit as a result of scratch is that the opponent is given the freedom to shoot from anywhere behind the head string, also known as ‘in the kitchen’ or ‘from the kitchen. It means that it does not matter that in which pocket the cue ball is pocketed the opponent could only shoot behind the head string.

The the head string is denoted by the center markers or diamonds on either side at the head of any table, so in this scenario the player can only try to aim on the object balls that are opposite to the head string and if there is no object ball in opposite side of the head string then the player needs to strike the cue ball to any cushion in order to make the cue ball in contact with the object ball on the head string side.

In professional tournaments the rules of scratch vary on the use of the kitchen.

Also there is a less used scratch rule in which the shot is taken by the player from the side of the table where the scratch occurs for example if the cue ball is pocketed at the head of a table then the shot is taken behind the head string. If the cue ball is pocketed in the foot of the table then the shot is played behind the foot of the table.

But these guidelines are not generally used in professional tournaments.

Table scratch rules

In most of the cases table scratch is rare and is generally treated as if the cue ball is pocketed, So relying on the common rules two outcomes are practiced after a table scratch.

Firstly the ball in hand behind the head string and secondly ball in hand anywhere on the table.in both table scratch or pocket scratch the rules are the same so as to maintain consistency and clear all the doubts in players mind thus create uniformity.

8 Ball scratch rules

In every type of pool game the scratch on the 8 ball is considered a ball when the player is unable to hit the 8 ball or if he has pocketed it in the wrong pocket if he is playing a call pocket game.

Under 8 ball scratch the offending player forfeits the game to his opponent and the game ends. If the player pockets both the 8 ball and the cue ball on the same shot then again the game is over, but if he pots the cue ball while hitting the 8 ball and the 8 ball is on the table then the ball in hand situation arises for the opponent and the game continues.

Also if the player knocks the 8 ball off the table it is against the forfeiture of the game but if cue ball is out of the table then ball in hand is given to the opponent and game goes on.

Also if you are interested in playing solo then you can checkout my article on how to play pool by yourself

What is scratch in pool: How the pros play

The rules of playing differ in each tournament whether it is professional or not. I am providing you the following examples that are mostly practiced in North America in both professional games and amateur games.

Break scratch

When any player scratches on the break then the opponent is provided to take a shot from anywhere on the table behind the string, the pocket ball remains pocketed and the offending player loses his turn, the table remains as it is and the opposite player can take a shot anywhere behind the head string.

Game play scratch

While playing the game if the player pockets the cue ball then it is treated as a scratch,if by mistake the cue ball is out of the table then also it is considered as a scratch and at last if the cue ball comes in contact with a pocket full of object balls then also it is a scratch.In all the above cases the opponent can take a shot from anywhere on the table and in any direction.

Table scratch

Table scratch occurs if the cue ball fails to hit any of the object balls on the table and also if the object ball fails to hit a cushion or pocket after striking with the cue ball,Under all the above cases the opponents get ball in hand advantage anywhere on the table.

8 Ball scratch

If the player knocks off the 8 ball from the table then in this case the other player wins but if he scratches on the 8 ball then it is considered as a foul and the opposite player can place the cue ball anywhere on the table and make a shot. Do not get confuse in what is a scratch in pool and what is a foul in pool.

what is scratch in pool on 8-ball

When the cue ball is unintentionally pocketed after the shooter strikes the 8-ball, it is referred to as a “scratch” in the game of pool. Although it’s a painful error that might endanger the game, the cue ball isn’t gone forever! It’s only a quick dip in the pool to try and cool off after all that effort. The 8-ball, too?

In any case, it may take a seat back and unwind before the next game begins. Who knows, maybe it’ll have a drink and catch up on some reading.

The cue ball went without saying goodbye, leaving the other balls in the game to wonder why. Had it a scheduled appointment? Did it become weary of the spotlight? The future? The next game won’t be the same without it, that much is certain. Try your best to keep the cue ball on the table when playing pool, but if it does decide to go swimming, don’t worry; it will return quickly and be ready for the next game.

I hope you understand that what is scratch in pool on the 8 ball.

If you hit 3 walls in pool is it a scratch?

As long as the cue ball does not enter a pocket or strike an object ball before striking the third wall, hitting three walls in pool is not regarded as a scratch. The speed and angle of the cue ball may be controlled by striking numerous rails, which can be a valuable tactic in particular strokes.

The chance of the cue ball striking another ball or leaving the table is increased by hitting three rails, therefore it may potentially be a risky tactic. As a result, it’s crucial to employ this strategy sensibly and wisely.

It’s important to keep in mind that the rules for hitting several rails in various pool games may change somewhat. For instance, in straight pool, if the cue ball does not first make contact with an object ball, striking three rails is regarded as a scratch.

To avoid any misunderstandings or penalties, it’s always a good idea to become familiar with the exact rules of the game you’re playing. So feel free to try hitting three walls, but proceed carefully and sensibly.

what happens if you miss 8 ball in pool?

Depending on the game’s regulations, many things might happen if you miss the 8 ball in pool. When you miss the 8 ball in various pool games, such as eight-ball, nine-ball, and straight pool, the game may be over, giving your opponent the chance to take over the table and try to pocket the 8 ball for themselves.

Missing the final ball can result in a penalty or a loss of points in some sports, like snooker, but it doesn’t always mean the game is over.

In any event, it’s critical to be informed of the particular regulations of the game you’re playing and to make sure you understand any potential repercussions for skipping the 8-ball or any other crucial shots. And keep in mind that even the top pool players occasionally miss shots; it’s all part of the fun!

If you scratch in pool does the ball come out?

In pool, the cue ball does not automatically emerge from the pocket when you scratch. To continue playing, you must take the cue ball out of the pocket and set it behind the head string. Scratching can occasionally result in a loss of turn or other penalties, depending on the game’s rules.

In order to comprehend what happens after a scratch occurs, it’s vital to be familiar with the rules of the pool game you’re playing. Various pool games may have somewhat different regulations involving scratches.


What happens if you scratch in the pool?

If you scratch in pool then your opponent can get different types of advantages like ball in hand or even the forfeiture of the game in which your opponent wins,that is why you must try to avoid a scratch as it reduces your chances of winning the game.

What happens if you don’t hit anything in the pool?

If the cue ball didn’t strike anyball on the table then your opponent will get the ball in hand in which he can make a shot by keeping the cue ball anywhere on the table.

What is an illegal break in pool?

When in the break if the player fails to pot at least one ball or if he is unable to hit four balls to the rails then it is considered as an illegal break.


I hope that you got an idea of what is scratch in a pool and how it can make the game unfavorable for you to win.Try to avoid as many fouls in the game so as to improve your degrees and angles of the cue ball striking and hence win the game.

Please checkout on article on refinish pool table

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