8 Important Reasons Why are Pool Tables Green in Color

When you think of a pool table, the image that comes to mind is likely a vibrant green-felt surface. But have you ever stopped to wonder why pool tables are green in color? As it turns out, there are several important reasons behind this iconic color choice. In this article, we’ll explore 8 of the most significant reasons why are pool tables green in color.

Here are the Main reasons why are pool tables green in color:

1. Enhances Visibility

One of the primary reasons why are pool tables green is that the color enhances visibility. Pool is a game that requires a lot of precision and accuracy, and players need to be able to clearly see the balls and their movements in order to make good shots. The green color of the felt helps to make this easier.

The human eye is particularly sensitive to the color green, making it stand out more against the other colors on the table. This means that the balls are easier to distinguish from one another and from the background of the table. In addition, the green color helps to reduce glare, making it easier for players to see the balls even in bright lighting conditions.

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2. Absorbs Light

Another important reason for the green pool table felt is that it helps absorb light. When light hits a surface, it is either absorbed, reflected, or transmitted. The green color of pool table felt is particularly good at absorbing light, which helps to reduce glare and make the balls more visible.

In addition to enhancing visibility, the ability of the felt to absorb light also helps to reduce eye strain. When the eye is exposed to bright light for extended periods of time, it can become tired and strained. By absorbing some of the light that hits the table, the green felt helps to reduce this strain and make the game more comfortable to play.

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3. Tradition and Aesthetics

Another reason that pool tables are green is simply because it has become tradition. From the early days of billiards, green has been the most common color for pool table felt. This has led to a certain aesthetic appeal, with the green felt becoming synonymous with the game of pool.

In addition to the traditional appeal, there are also practical reasons why green has become the default color for pool tables. For example, the dye used to color pool table felt is readily available in green, making it easier and more cost-effective for manufacturers to produce green felt. This, in turn, has made green the most widely used color for pool tables.

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4. Hides Chalk Marks

One interesting benefit of the green color of pool table felt is that it helps to hide chalk marks. When a player strikes the ball with their cue, chalk can sometimes transfer onto the felt surface of the table. This can create unsightly marks that detract from the appearance of the table and can also make it more difficult to see the balls.

However, because green is a relatively dark color, it is more forgiving when it comes to hiding chalk marks. This means that the table can still look clean and presentable even after multiple games have been played on it.

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5. Historical Significance

Finally, the color green has some historical significance in the world of billiards. The first billiard tables were actually covered with green cloth that was made from the same material as the uniforms worn by English army officers. Over time, the use of green cloth became associated with the game of billiards, and this tradition has continued to this day.

In addition, the use of green cloth in billiards has also been linked to the sport’s association with gambling. In the early days of billiards, the game was often played in establishments that also served as gambling halls. Green was a popular color for gambling tables, and so the use of green cloth on billiard tables may have been a way to link the two activities.

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6. Creates a Relaxing Atmosphere

In addition to the practical benefits of why are pool tables green in color, there is also a psychological component to the color choice. Green is often associated with nature and the outdoors, and it has been shown to have a calming effect on the mind and body.

By using green felt on a pool table, players may feel more relaxed and focused, which can ultimately improve their performance. This is particularly important in a game like pool, where a calm and steady hand is key to success.

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7. Provides Contrast

Another reason why are pool tables green in color is that the green felt provides a good contrast with the color of the balls. Pool balls come in a range of colors, including black, white, and a variety of other hues. The green felt provides a neutral background against which the balls can stand out, making it easier for players to see and aim at their targets.

This contrast also adds to the aesthetic appeal of the game, creating a visually striking and appealing tableau that draws players and spectators alike.

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8. Evokes Emotion

Finally, the green color of the pool table felt can also evoke strong emotions in players and fans. For many people, the color green is associated with the sport of pool and with the memories and experiences they have had playing the game.

The green felt of a pool table can evoke feelings of excitement, relaxation, and camaraderie, all of which are integral parts of the pool-playing experience. This emotional connection to the color green is yet another reason why it has become such an important and iconic part of the game of pool.

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Why are pool table tops green?

The choice to use green fabric was decided at the same time as the decision to move the game indoors and onto a table. This made the indoor game’s table surface resemble the grass where the original game had been played.

Why are pool tables blue and green?

This is because typical pool tables’ green felt surface and balls are difficult for television cameras to distinguish from one another. Blue surfaces are used in televised pool so that viewers can see the ball’s motions more clearly.

What is the best color for a pool table?

What colour felt should I use on my pool table, a question I’ve been asked frequently. The greatest material to play on, in the opinion of a serious pool or billiards player, has been green billiard cloth. The explanation is that green is seen to be the easier on players’ eyes.

What is the green on a pool table called?

Baize is frequently used on different types of gaming tables (mostly gambling ones), including those for blackjack, baccarat, craps, and other casino games, as well as to cover the slate and cushions on billiard tables. It may also be found as a writing surface, especially on pedestal desks from the 19th century.


In conclusion, the green color of pool tables has a rich history and serves several important functions. From enhancing visibility and reducing glare to hiding chalk marks and paying homage to the sport’s history, the green felt on a pool table is much more than just a cosmetic choice.

As the game of pool continues to evolve and change, it’s possible that we may see new colors or materials being used for pool table felt. However, for now, the classic green color remains a beloved and integral part of the game. So the next time you step up to a pool table, take a moment to appreciate the beauty and functionality of that vibrant green surface.

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