Why snooker is better than pool?

Snooker and pool are two different types of games if compared on various criterias such as potting capability on both the tables,rules of both the games and many more.So in this article i will be going to clear your doubt regarding why snooker is better than pool and also why it is difficult to master snooker as compared to pool game,so lets get started.

Things you need to know about both the games


Snooker is a very competitive as well as difficult game to play.It comprises of a big 6ft table with 15red balls,6colored balls and a cue ball.Reason why it is difficult is mainly due to the size of the table as well as the felt of the table and atlast the size of the pockets.Before i tell you why snooker is better than pool first of all you need to know the rules as well as the difficulty level of both the games.


Pool is a game which is very interesting as well as fun to play.When compared to snooker pool is slightly less competitive means anyone can master this game after playing for sometime but on the other hand snooker is a game which require immense hardwork,drills,practice and a very strong mind and most importantly calmness in intense situation,that is why pool is a little bit less hard to play as compared to snooker.

Reason behind snooker have an edge as compared to pool

Both the snooker as well as the pool are fun to play but snooker is a little bit extra tempting as compared to pool because of the skill and difficulty of the game,as i have told you previously that snooker is slightly tough to play than pool and we all know that the more something is tough the more it will provide you pleasure after you achieve a certain level in it.

Many people need challenges in their life or you can say that they love to do tough things in order to increase their capabilities and prove them so in that case they will love the snooker game more as compared to pool.

But on the other hand the people who are a little bit fun side with playing will love pool game as compared to snooker because in snooker you have to be a little bit more concentrative and more carefull in order to win the game.

It generally depends or differ from person to person or what they enjoy to play in their free time but data shows that more people like snooker game than pool.

Why do snooker players use their chin

The reason why snooker players use their chin on keeping it on the stick while making a shot is to keep an alignment with the angle and as it provides you a more clear visual of the cue ball hitting the object ball.

Mainly it is for judging the angle of the shot to make.There is not any other reason why snooker players use their chin while playing a shot,they just try to get a perfect angle on the shot.

For further information regarding chin positioning of the player click here


I hope that i must have cleared all your doubts regarding why snooker is better than pool and why it is more famous than pool.I hope that you liked the article and if you have some question regarding this game do let me know in the comments area and i will definitely try to answer all your queries or try to make a seperate article on them.

Do checkout my recent article on snooker player tapping table

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