7 Reasons Why Snooker players Tap Their Middle Finger 2023

Snooker players often have a unique ritual before they take a shot, one of the most common is tapping their middle finger on the cue. While it may seem like a small and insignificant gesture, it serves a purpose for the player, be it personal or technical. This habit is prevalent among many professional and amateur snooker players, and in this article, we will explore the 7 reasons why snooker players tap their middle finger so let’s get started.

Reasons behind why snooker players tap their middle finger are as follows:

1)Establishing a Consistent Grip:

Tapping the middle finger on the cue can help players establish a consistent and comfortable grip on the cue. This can be especially important for players who are using a custom-made cue or are trying to develop a specific type of grip.


Tapping the middle finger on the cue can serve as a form of self-regulation for players, helping them to focus their attention and control their nerves before making a shot.


Tapping the middle finger on the cue can also serve as a marker for alignment, allowing players to ensure that their cue is lined up properly before making a shot.

4)Mimicking a Specific Player:

Some players tap their middle finger as a way to mimic a specific player, using the habit as a way to channel the energy and focus of the player they are emulating.

5)Habit or Superstition:

For some players, tapping their middle finger on the cue is simply a habit or superstition, something they do without really thinking about it, but that they believe gives them an advantage.

6)Improve Accuracy and Precision:

For other players, tapping their middle finger on the cue serves as an aid to improve their accuracy and precision. This is because the finger tapping serves as a trigger for the shot and improves the muscle memory of the shot.

7)Personal preference:

Lastly, some players tap their middle finger on the cue simply because it’s a personal preference. They feel more comfortable and confident with this habit, it creates a kind of personal ritual that they believe helps them in the game.

Why do snooker players Apologize for flukes

A fluke in snooker is defined as an unplanned and fortuitous shot that results in the player gaining points. Players who make a fluke shot tend to apologize to their opponent, this is considered as a demonstration of sportsmanship and respect as it goes against the essence of the game. This is why players tend to apologize for flukes as it is seen as a symbol of good sportsmanship and a show of respect for their opponent. If you are interested to know more things about this then click here

Apologizing for flukes is seen as a sign of respect towards the opponent, as making a fluke shot can come across as taking advantage of a fortunate accident. By apologizing, the player is recognizing that the shot was not achieved through skill or strategy and it’s an act of humility and sportsmanship.

Another reason players apologize for flukes is that it helps to preserve the integrity of the game. Flukes can disrupt the smoothness of the game and can be disheartening for the opponent. Apologizing can be a way to acknowledge that the shot was unintentional and serves to keep the game fair and respectful to the opponent. It serves to uphold the moral principles of the game and to create a more positive and fair competition.

Finally, apologizing for flukes is a common practice in the snooker culture and is considered to be part of the game’s etiquette. Players acknowledge that their fortunate shot was unintentional and will apologize to their opponent. Opponents will generally respond in a sportsmanlike manner and accept the apology, this practice reflect the traditional culture of the game where etiquette, respect, and fair play are highly valued.

Why snooker players drink water?

There can be many reasons why snooker players drink water during the match, But today I will tell you the most prominent ones so let’s see.

1)Pressure of The Game

During the match, there is very much pressure on the players to win the game or to sustain their previous title and as you all know that this game is very tactical so it is very natural for anyone to come under pressure while playing.

2)To Be Calm and Compose

Drinking water between any game not only snooker or billiards, but also helps people to become calm and composed so that they can make their decisions wisely. Water helps in reducing the adrenaline hormone which is released in too much excitement during the game or too much tension also.

3)Helps in improving the Decision-making power

As I have previously told you that water can make you calm in pressure situations thus indirectly when you are in your zone no one can distract you or demotivate you in the game.

Although drinking water can not make you win any game but it surely helps you to make you composed throughout the match so these small practices or habits can definitely make you win any kind of game in your life


Why do snooker players tap the table with finger?

Another reason why some snooker players tap their middle finger on the table instead of the cue, is to show appreciation for a good shot made by their opponent. This act is primarily for the audience’s benefit, as a way to signify that the shot was impressive, even if the player is unable to verbally express it. This is also considered to be a sportsmanlike behavior as Snooker is known as a gentleman’s game.

Why do snooker players rest their chin on the cue?

Proper alignment is a key element in snooker, by resting their chin on or just above the cue, players can achieve the correct visual alignment for their shot. Professional players are known to be meticulous when it comes to their shot alignment, and practice getting their head and eyes in the perfect position to visualize the shot’s trajectory.

Why do snooker players wear waistcoats?

Snooker has its origins as a variation of the game of Billiards, first played in the 1700s by the British aristocracy. At that time, the game was played with a dress code, with participants expected to wear a waistcoat and bow tie. Remarkably, this practice has remained unchanged for hundreds of years and is still maintained until today.

What snooker cues do the pros use?

When it comes to the snooker cues used by professional players, many swear by John Parris cues, which are known for their quality and performance. However, it’s important to note that these cues can be quite expensive and therefore, if you are a casual player who only plays occasionally, it may not be practical to invest a large sum of money on a high-end cue. Instead, there are more affordable options that can also provide a decent level of performance for occasional players.


To wrap up, there are different motivations behind why snooker players tap their middle finger on the cue prior to making a shot. Some use it to establish a consistent and comfortable grip, others for self-regulation or alignment. Some players might do it to mimic another player or out of habit or superstition, while others tap their middle finger on the cue to improve accuracy and precision, or just as personal preference. Regardless of the reasons, it is clear that this habit helps them to play better, it serves as a reminder to focus, helps to align the cue, triggers muscle memory and enhance the grip. Tapping the middle finger on the cue has become a widespread habit among many professional and amateur snooker players and it is a clear demonstration of their attention to detail and dedication to the game.

I hope that You liked this article on 7 Reasons Why Snooker players Tap Their Middle Finger, also do checkout my recent article on 8 Best Ping Pong conversion Tops for Pool Tables .

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